Safety Gear When Cleaning Crime Scenes

Bio Recovery HelpCrime Scenes

Safety Gear When Cleaning Crime Scenes

After the occurrence of a murder or other violent crimes, the investigators and police do not have a special unit that come to clean up the crime scene. Some departments may work with the crime scene cleaning services and may be able to offer referrals, but, the onus of cleaning the scene properly falls to the owner of the property or the family of the deceased. Learn More.

What If You Can’t Afford Crime Scene Cleanup?

Bio Recovery HelpVictim Resources

Crime Victims Fund is a program introduced by the government in order to allow victims of violent crimes and their closest family members to be reimbursed the additional costs associated. The situations such as rape, assault, homicides, etc. are covered by this respective fund. Learn More.

What are the Basic Steps in a Crime Scene Investigation?

Bio Recovery HelpCrime Scenes

We all have our fantasy to become a part of the CSI in one way or another. It is nothing but fascinating to see how these people who seem so normal could put together all the clues and figure out the crime. Through their rigid investigation and thorough collection of evidences on the crime scene, it is possible for these CSI members to track down and convict the suspect. But do we really understand how they were able to connect all the clues? Do we really believe that, in real life… Read Full Post