Christmas Cleaning: Tips for Before and After the Holiday Mayhem

Gabby MartinSeasonal & Festive, Cleaning, Residential & Commercial

Christmas House Cleaning Tips


  • Pre-Holiday Cleaning Checklist

  • Cleaning Tools and Products We Use and Love

  • Deep Cleaning After The Holidays

  • More Christmas Cleaning Tips

Christmas Cleaning Tips for Your Bathroom

Christmas cleaning. It's just one more thing to do. Somehow between shopping, wrapping, cooking, gifting, and visiting with our friends and families, we need to stay in control of the house. And all that social activity, cooking, eating and the occasional upturned glass of holiday cheer can create overwhelming messes! Still, if you stay on top of cleaning before and after the holidays, the whole process is a lot easier.

How can you quickly clean your home through the holidays?

Grab Your Favorite Cleaning Supplies

A visit down the cleaning supply aisle is becoming a bit time consuming. There's a different spray, solution or individually wrapped disposable product for every cleaning purpose under the sun. And, with inflation, the the prices have gone up like crazy.

Below, we've listed a few Christmas cleaning product specials. You're welcome.

You'll also need:

  • A broom and dustpan
  • A mop
  • A vacuum
  • Paper towels or rags you can wash later in bleach

Our 6 Step Pre-Holiday Home Cleaning Checklist

If you look around your home and become slightly overwhelmed at the notion of an immaculate home for the holidays, relax. Your home will get thoroughly trashed throughout the celebrations, so focus on having a good Christmas, and save the back-breaking deep cleans until after New Year's Day. 

Take a look at our 6-step checklist to throwing clean and fun holiday parties at home:

  1. Clean your bathrooms first. This is the only part of the home where our guests will spend any time quietly and alone, looking around. So pay close attention to details. Clean any glass, mirrors and shower doors. Hide any cosmetics, lotions and potions in a drawer. (And lock up any pain meds or opioids somewhere else.) Freshen the guest towels and silly little soaps if you're into that.
  2. Collect any trash or clutter from every room, including bedrooms, and empty all trash cans. If you notice a trash odor, wash them with Pine-Sol.
  3. Clean your floors. On hard floors, sweep first, then mop with Pine-Sol. Thoroughly vacuum carpeted floors.
  4. Vacuum the furniture, top and bottom, and under cushions.
  5. Dust everything lightly with a cloth and Pledge furniture polish.
  6. And finally, clean your kitchen and do the dishes. Both Clorox and Pine-Sol can do a good job here.

See how easy that is? The only other step would be to provide clean bedding for any guests staying the night.

Get the Kids Involved!

Since Santa's elves are surely watching, be sure to enlist the help of your kids and teens. Even if they're too young to accomplish much, it's the foundations of responsibility and respect for their living quarters that matter. 

Little kids can:

  • Clean doorknobs and kitchen chairs with a bit of dish soap and warm water on a rag
  • Pick up their bedrooms
  • And get rid of broken or unwanted toys to make room for new Christmas gifts

Older kids and teens can:

  • Clean their entire bedroom
  • Fold laundry
  • Change bedding on beds
  • Run the vacuum or sweep the floors
  • Clean up pet messes (pet stained carpets may need assistance, however, as they have the tendency to "wick")
  • Wash dishes and put them away

Did you know?

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) says kids who learn to manage household chores have higher self-esteem and may grow into more successful adults. So put those kids to work!

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The 2-Day Post-Holiday Deep Clean

After a whirlwind of presents, parties, food and drinks, it's time for the post-Christmas deep clean! It's easiest in a two-day process.

Day 1: Follow the six-step checklist above. 

Day 2: Shampoo carpets, wipe down cupboards, wipe baseboards and clean the refrigerator.

The post-holiday deep clean is a breeze if you break it down into two easy days. 

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