How to Get Rid of Mice: A Complete Guide (2020)

Bio Recovery HelpResidential & Commercial, Restoration

Getting rid of mice guide


  • The "Mouse Problem"

  • Are Mice & Rats Dangerous?

  • How to Keep Mice Away

  • How to Get Rid of Mice

  • Remove Mice Without Killing Them

  • Call In Reinforcements

How to Get Rid of Mice: A Complete Guide

Having unwanted mice in your home is not only a nuisance, but dangerous as well. Luckily, there are several effective methods to control, and even prevent, mice infestations in your home.

This post will guide you step by step on how to get rid of mice.

The "Mouse Problem"

Have you ever walked into a home and have been hit with... that smell?  

Mice leave behind odor-causing urine and droppings, and they can bring fleas and dangerous pathogens into your home. Their constant chewing can cause electrical fires and structural damage, and they wreak havoc on your insulation as they build nests for their litters.

But these critters are just doing their thing, and some of us want to do whatever we can to humanely get rid of mice without destroying our property values, health, and sanity. 

We often encounter pest damage when we clean up unattended deaths and hoarding cases, so we asked our friends in the pest control industry for their best tips for fending off and mitigating mouse problems.

Are Mice & Rats Dangerous?

Mice and rats are well-known to carry various diseases. These are typically caused by coming into contact with the rodent, their feces or urine, and bites, among other causes.

Listed below are a few dangerous diseases caused by mice/ rats.

Rodents are primarily responsible for carrying the hantavirus. Symptoms include light fever, muscle aches (hip, back, etc.). According to the CDC, HantaVirus is a particularly deadly virus and requires immediate medical attention.

How to Keep Mice Away

Prevention is the absolute best way to stay on the pacifist's path to a pest-free home. If you make it difficult for mice to get in and give them fewer reasons to want to you're less likely to have to resort to setting out traps and poisons.

How to Get Rid of Mice From Inside of the House

We know what you're thinking: Thanks for all that brilliant information! Too bad I didn't have it three months ago! 

If you're dealing with an existing mouse problem and you've shut the floodgates with the above advice, you've got to decide whether you want to send the little invaders to mouse Valhalla or to that pretty little spot off the neighborhood jogging trail.

Different Types of Mouse Traps

Traditional "Snap" Traps

The wood-and-wire mouse traps we all grew up with can quickly dispatch mice. Here's a tip: tie a very short length of string to the bait platform so that the ends barely tuft out. Saturate the fibers with peanut butter. This makes it harder for the mouse to "rob" the trap, and more likely to trigger it.

Glue Traps

While effective, these sheets of cardstock covered in glue are perhaps the least humane tools for trapping mice, and they're not very fun when pets, small kids, and grownups get stuck to them, either. We do not recommend using glue traps.

Box-Style Live Traps

There are a few different live trap designs that all behave the same; lock mice inside when they trigger a door-closing device. These can be very effective and humane if they're checked daily. Some have windows in them for easy monitoring.

Handmade Box Traps

Handmade box traps are self-explanatory. Put some bait under a propped-up box, tie a string to whatever is holding the box up, and wait. This might be the most entertaining of all the methods, as you have to be actively involved or else you'll miss the mouse.

How to Get Rid of Mice Without Killing Them

Killing household mice is not only cruel, as snap traps, glue traps, poison, etc. typically cause the rodent to needlessly suffer, but it is dangerous as well. These traps pose a danger to anything living in the area, include pets and humans.

Instead, first try out these nonlethal methods of preventing and/ or driving away rodents from your home or business.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil

The oil contains strongly scented ingredients that disturb the sense of smell of most rodents, including mice, keeping them away.




When you don’t want to hurt or kill mice, cloves are a good option. Cloves produce a scent that repels rodents.


Aluminum foil

Aluminum foil

Blocking possible entrances with aluminum foil has been proven to keep mice out, as they do not like to chew on this material.

live catch and release

Live catch and release

Live catch and release

The "catch and release" method is the most humane way to remove mice that are already inside your home.




Other repellents, including audio, deter mice from coming inside your home, and can even drive them out from the inside.

Call In Reinforcements

If you need backup with your mouse invasion, call a reputable pest control company for assistance.

Need help cleaning up rodent waste and removing mouse odors after a serious infestation?

Consider Calling Bio Recovery

Our biohazard cleanup professionals are equipped and trained to find and remove odor sources, rather than cover them up with scented sprays and carpet shampoos.

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