Safety Gear When Cleaning Crime Scenes

Bio Recovery HelpCrime Scenes

Safety Gear When Cleaning Crime Scenes

After the occurrence of a murder or other violent crimes, the investigators and police do not have a special unit that come to clean up the crime scene. Some departments may work with the crime scene cleaning services and may be able to offer referrals, but, the onus of cleaning the scene properly falls to the owner of the property or the family of the deceased. Learn More.

What If You Can’t Afford Crime Scene Cleanup?

Bio Recovery HelpVictim Resources

Crime Victims Fund is a program introduced by the government in order to allow victims of violent crimes and their closest family members to be reimbursed the additional costs associated. The situations such as rape, assault, homicides, etc. are covered by this respective fund. Learn More.

Who Cleans Up After an Airbnb, Hostel, or Hotel Crime?

Bio Recovery HelpResidential & Commercial, Restoration, Safety

Cleaning a Hotel After a Crime

NYC Hotel Crime Scene CleaningEven though the crime rate might be down right now in New York City, when tragedy strikes in a NYC hotel, thing start moving fast. EMS responds within minutes to evaluate the health of the victim and transport him/her to an area hospital, and the police begin their investigation to determine what happened, who is at fault and if any charges need to be filed. Meanwhile, the crime scene is combed for fingerprints and evidence to piece together what just happened. Read Full Post

Lead Paint Removal Services Pennsylvania

Bio Recovery HelpSafety

Lead paint removal

Lead Paint Removal PAIf you live in a home that was built before 1978, chances are that your home contains some Lead-Based Paint. The older the home, the more likely it is to have at least some lead paint. Breathing in lead fumes or dust or swallowing anything that contains lead can result in Lead Poisoning. Bio Recovery technicians are Trained Lead Abatement Specialists. We provide Pennsylvania homeowners with Affordable Lead Paint Removal to eliminate the dangers of lead exposure. Read Full Post