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If you are in need of Vermont Crime Scene Cleanup services, call our hotline at 1-888-752-5001 for 24/7 assistance.

Vermont crime scene mapWe’ve been working in the field of Vermont crime scene cleanup for more than 20 years, and in that stretch we’ve supported countless families, businesses and communities with their recovery following despicable events.

Our full range of services, including crime scene clean up, trauma clean up, hoarding recovery, hazardous waste removal and disposal, asbestos abatement, and mold/water remediation, are provided throughout the entire state of Vermont.

Listed below is a complete inventory of services we offer within the state.

Crime Scene Cleanup Vermont

Crime scenes are what remains after ghastly acts such as homicide, suicide, assault, or other such deplorable actions that typically lead to blood, bodily fluids and even death.

So what happens when one of those atrocious incidents suddenly shakes your life? The result is so terrible because of how it affects your life, your property, and everyone and everything you value greatly.

Bio Recovery is a professional Crime Scene Cleanup Company that offers our Certified Sanitation Services throughout Vermont.

After the gathering of information and evidence by detectives, forensic scientists, news crews and nosy gawkers, the area of the crime is still covered with the remnants from the sickening incident and left for the victim’s grieving family or the property owner to clean up.

If you find yourself in this situation, contact Bio Recovery for help today.

Other Cleanup Services in Vermont

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